Monday, 23 January 2012

What's that noise?

Over the past couple of months we have been sucked in by the highly addictive hobby of homebrewing. It has everything that makes for a rewarding experience: The careful planning of the recipe, the meticulous execution of brew day and a touch of randomness when the yeast does its work in the fermenter. The only thing that can make it even better is to name our endeavour.

Welcome to Rowdy Raccoon Brews!

When coming up with the name we wanted something that reflects our attitude with this hobby and we felt that it captured our light-hearted, fun and urban experience with brewing. We also wanted to create a mascot that encompasses the essence of this project. We have sketched out a few ideas above, but would love some more. If you are an artist, or designer, in the Toronto area with an interest in homebrewing, or maybe just beer in general, please get in contact. Bonus points if you can tie in our current brew Graffiti Alley IPA.

Previously we have been logging our brews at David's personal blog, but from now on we'll be documenting our experience here. So sit back, open a cold tasty beverage, get inspired and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. What? What's that noise? Is it coming from outside? What the hell?!? It's a raccoon! Getting into our garbage! Look at that! He's looking RIGHT AT ME! As he kicks the garbage cans over! And he looks DRUNK! What a jerk!
